About GeoHab 2021
GEOHAB (Marine Geological and Biological Habitat Mapping) is an international association of marine scientists – now in its 20th year – studying biophysical (i.e. geologic and oceanographic) indicators of benthic habitats and ecosystems as proxies for biological communities and species diversity.
GeoHab annual conferences brings geologists, biologists, acousticians, statisticians, spatial analysts and environmental managers together from around the world and provides a truly multidisciplinary forum for the exchange of knowledge and ideas that underpin sustainable ocean management and mapping.
The present pandemic precludes in-person scientific conferences in 2021. In order to maintain the cooperative spirit of GeoHab, and specifically to show case the work of students who are having a particularly challenging academic and conference experience due to the impacts of the pandemic, GeoHab has adopted the concept of “nodal” conferences in May of 2021 within adjacent time zones around the world. The world is covered in three GeoHab Nodal Conferences: The Americas, Europe and Africa, Asia and the Pacific.
This approach will allow smaller gatherings within nodes that will be virtually linked via video conferencing within each cluster of time zones. The nodes can be at the individual, institutional, regional, national or continental level depending on travel advisories and restrictions in May. This will allow a degree of flexibility based on the state of the pandemic in May.
There is no cost to participate in the 2021 GeoHab Conference.
Locations & Dates
The world is covered in three GeoHab Nodal Conferences:
The Americas Node is 3–4 May,
Europe and Africa Node is 5 May,
Asia and Pacific Node is 11 May.
The annual general meeting is 13 May.
Local Organizing Committees
GeoHab Nodal Conference of the Americas (GNCA):
- Tereza Araújo (Federal University of Pernambuco)
- Vaughn Barrie (Geological Survey of Canada–Pacific)
- Alex Bastos (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo)
- Craig Brown (Dalhousie University)
- Guy Cochrane (United States Geological Survey)
- Narelle Maia de Almeida (Federal University of Ceará)
- Gary Greene (Moss Landing Marine Laboratories)
- Vincent Lecours (University of Florida)
- Katleen Robert (Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador)
- Brian Todd (Geological Survey of Canada–Atlantic)
- Helenice Vital (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte)
- Ben Misiuk (Dalhousie University)
GeoHab Nodal Conference of Europe and Africa (GNCE&A):
Hayley Cawthra (Council for Geoscience and Nelson Mandela University, South Africa)
Margaret Dolan (Geological Survey of Norway (NKU))
- Andrea Fiorentino (Geological Survey of Italy (ISPRA))
- Federica Foglini (National Research Council Institute of Marine Sciences (CNR-ISMAR), Italy)
- Peter Harris (GRID–Arendal, Norway)
- Aarno Kotilainen (Geological Survey of Finland (GTK))
- Fantina Madricardo (National Research Council Institute of Marine Sciences (CNR-ISMAR), Italy)
- Daria Ryabchuk (Russian Geological Research Institute (VSEGEI))
GeoHab Nodal Conference of Asia and the Pacific (GNCA&P):
- Daniel Ierodiaconou (Deakin University)
- Kim Picard (Geoscience Australia)
- Alix Post (Geoscience Australia)
- Sally Watson (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research)
- Ping Yin (First Institute of Oceanography)
- Mary Young (Deakin University)
Contact the 2021 GeoHab webmaster to report errors or problems.