Scientific Committee
- Touria Bajjouk (IFREMER, France)
- Vaughn Barrie (Geological Survey of Canada–Pacific, Canada)
- Craig Brown (Dalhousie University, Canada)
- Hayley Cawthra (Council for Geoscience, South Africa)
- Guy Cochrane (U.S. Geological Survey, USA)
- Rodolphe Devillers (IRD, France/La Réunion)
- Margaret Dolan (Geological Survey of Norway, Norway)
- Federica Foglini (CNR-Institute of Marine Sciences, Italy)
- Gary Greene (Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, USA)
- Daniel Ierodiaconou (Deakin University, Australia)
- Aarno Kotilainen (Geological Survey of Finland, Finland)
- Geoffroy Lamarche (NIWA, University of Auckland, New Zealand)
- Tim Le Bas (National Oceanography Centre, UK)
- Vincent Lecours (Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Canada)
- Fantina Madricardo (CNR-Institute of Marine Sciences, Italy)
- Kim Picard (GeoScience Australia, Australia)
- Talicia Pillay (Council for Geoscience, South Africa)
- Heather Stewart (British Geological Survey, UK)
- Brian Todd (Geological Survey of Canada – Atlantic, Canada)
The 2023 GeoHab conference is co-organized by the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD) [Rodolphe Devillers] and by the South African Council for Geoscience [Hayley Cawthra].
Local Organizing Committee
- Rodolphe Devillers (IRD, France/La Réunion)
- Véronique Rousseau (IRD, France)
- Pascal Mouquet (IRD, France/La Réunion)
- Priscilla Dupont (IRD, France/La Réunion)
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